Often at times we listen to music and say "WTF" were hey thinking. On the other hand we say "Shits dope". This doesn't only cover hip hop but every genre we may come in contact with if and only if you like it. Don't be afraid to be versatile in your craft or music selection as a listener or artist. To the artist take criticism as a way to improve your self. This is your fans we are talking about giving you feedback on what they like and don't like about certain tracks or you image. At the same time if this is working then continue to do it but remember to be flexible. Listeners tell the artist what you want to hear. On the other side of the fence a artists album isnt a complete waste if one song you think was horrible. Remember all of us have emotions that come out. Some people vent but we vent through music so you get to know the real us. To me if one person could relate to a track or can reflect on what I've said or been through or a good time they have had through club, emotional or what ever type of song it is then I have done my job as an artist and connected. Be open to critics, ask random people so you get unbiased feed back and press on. Listeners you control the industry and obviously the majority wins. Help us help you reconnect.
"Go Grind Get Money Or Stay Broke"
Real Lyfe East