Friday, June 5, 2015

5 Compelling Reasons to Reflect Daily, and How to Do It.

Reflecting can be a great secret that leads you to success in many different areas of your life.

Once a day (and then some) I reflect. I try to look back on everything, from the day I had, my life, what I did right or wrong, and what just flat out didn't work. When I reflect on my life and form the habit of reflection, I always improve self and other areas of my life.

This particular blog topic came from me reflecting on how I accomplish this. I would like to recommend that if you’re reading this and you haven’t found a way to add this to your daily routine, you may want to develop the habit of reflecting. It can help in many different aspects of your life, more than you think

Here are a few.

1. You will learn from your mistakes. If we never look at how our mistakes affect us, we are bound to repeat them. This isn’t smart. Nonetheless, as long as we take time to reflect on our mistakes, think about what went bad, identify ways to avoid them, we can then use our mistakes to better us individually. When looked at this way, mistakes can become priceless learning tools, rather than something to feel discouraged about. Reflecting can be a critical tool when used.

2. It gives you great ideas. Inspiration for things I work on all spawn from ideas that come to me when I reflect.You can look at the current events in your  life and reflect on them. If you find that certain areas are not doing well, you can consult with people you know. If you find something has been a success, you then can look at how you got to that point, and can share that too. Doing this tends to spark new ideas which can be use or worked on later.

3. It helps you help others. The idea for this post came to me when I was reflecting on my day, out of nowhere, I said others could benefit from the same as well. In turn this helps me understand how I overcame obstacles, while helping others that may be faced with the same challenges. Situations I have faced throughout life and the military, have taught me that what I have learned can be used to help others. This is incredible when I think about the people that have come to me looking for advice and how I have helped or inspired them.

4. It makes you happier. When you reflect on things you’ve done right, when looking at your successes, it allows you to celebrate each one. This grants you the ability to realize how much you have done right and the great things you accomplished in your life. With reflection not in the picture, we easily forget these accomplishments, and will in turn change you focus to your immediate failures.

5. It gives you perspective. I get it; we all have lives to live. It’s easy to get distracted with the day to day problems we face. High pressure situations or tasks can engulf us at times. Taking a few steps back to reflect on the problems, and how they don’t mean that much, it will calm you down and lower your stress levels. In turn you will gain  a different viewpoint. This is always a good thing.

If reflecting is not in your daily routine, how would you fit it in? Here are some ways that will help you do that.

1. Start a one-sentence journal. If you have tried to write a journal in the past and haven’t succeeded, you’ll love this, Try writing down a goal or a simple thought you have in mind at the beginning of the day. When you take the time to reflect at the end of the day go and look at your initial goal.  You’ll be amazed when you look back and see a year’s worth of entries. The best thing about it is this will only take a minute out of your day.

2. Focus on doing it at the same time, every day. No exceptions. Even if you don’t make it around to starting a one sentence journal, try to form the reflection habit by taking a few minutes at the end of every day. Writing it down will help bring form to your reflections. Make sure you dedicate time to it every day at the same time and place, with no excuses whatsoever.

3. Exercise. This is one of my favorite times to reflect. I find it works best when I am biking or running. In that time I think about my life, and work. Some of my best ideas magically pop into my mind during this time.  If you’re not into running or don’t have another form of exercise, think about reflecting during an evening walk.. Just make sure to set a time for it daily and don’t miss it.

4. Think about your day, your work, your life. In this exact order. I like to reflect on my day, in this time I think about what I did that was right and wrong, and what I can work on. I look at work just to mentally make a note of how things went for the day. Then I take a look at my life in its entirety. This system, over time, leads to lots of improvement personally and professionally.

5. Blog about it. If you are writing about your reflections on your own personal blog, a group you belong to, or a BlogSpot account viewable by friends and loved ones, you will be accountable for providing content to a group of people. By sharing your reflections with others, people may start to read and look forward to them, this will create a positive pressure to keep it up. That is what I have done with this blog and it has been a great decision for me. 


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Barriers and getting through them.

There seems to be point in everyones life when a blockade comes out of no where and is erected from either the mind or outside influences, not to mention it comes at the worst possible time. Most of us will use the old tried and trusteed method of choosing to stay out of the way while it corrects its self, as if the problem will disappear on its own. The down side is this, we never end up dealing with the problem in its entirety. 

By this I mean sorting out the root of the problem and working on the outside influences that created it in the first place. I mean lets face it we have all been in the position where we have had the time to sort issues out in our head, plan them, but failed to follow through. There are a number of factors that play into this. 

I always had the problem when it came to following through, it was always my biggest obstacle. Conquering this I found to be more on the mental side of the house. When someone practices on an instrument or dance move they progress through the amount of repetitions they have completed. Yes practice makes perfect, but practicing involves repetitively doing something until you have a complete understanding of the basics. 

This all starts in the mind by envisioning what it is you want to accomplish. Napoleon Hill says this best in his statement: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”. Armed with this he is saying your achievements can be brought to life and accomplished before you even say a word. Mind power is the greatest tool we have. Without it where would we be?

Earlier when I brought up “repetition” and how it relates to practice, I left out its sibling named “habit”. Many of us have habits, are they productive or counter productive to our everyday goals? That is for you to decide. What I can say is habits are only formed through the repetition, repetition is achieved from the drive we have. 

Drive is created when there is a need, this need in turn makes us respond a physically or emotional way until that need is fulfilled. Wanting something so bad that you will do anything for it make you “driven”. Students in school are driven to make the honor roll or deans list due to the satisfaction they receive, it can be anything from a increase of allowance to being looked at as a potential employee for a prominent company. What ever it is your looking to accomplish,  make sure you have an emotional or physical response and the rest will take care of its self. 

After you find your drive, “motivation” should be the next thing that builds within you. In order for you or me to get better at something, we have to be motivated to do accomplish it. This comes very close to “drive” as mentioned earlier but this specific involves desire. You have to want to do this. Motivation is when you do something to because on the inside and outside is telling you that you can. You have faith in your self and know anything coming your way you will conquer. 

What inspires you to do what it is you love? Is it the weather, conversation with a friend, or maybe you find inspiration when your by your self and alone in your thoughts.  There is always room for the underdog, they can never be counted out. Inspiration can be delivered to us in many forms. I was inspired to write about what has helped me overcome barriers by thinking about all that I have been through and this road in life for which I travel. 

Looking at a situation in a black or white manner is a part of the past. Everyone is resilient, everyone has the ability to think outside of their current situation. Going into something and getting one result and brushing it off, because you know it has no choice but to be better the second time around is remaining optimistic. 

What is encouragement and whee can you find it? Our friends, family and strangers can be the best supports systems for when we need to get through something. A lot of people are strong and independent, I bet even more wished they would have someone there to confide in when they were going through touch times, emotional or financial. 

There are many factors that plug into the world when it comes to  breaking through barrier’s and overcoming obstacles. I hope me sharing what I’ve used the most of in my life, helps get your through life snd your pursuit of happiness. Go forth and do great things and remember to keep is simple. Until next time. 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

How To Fly Lyric Video

New Lyric Video...Make sure to check it out and leave a comment.

ew Lyric Video.